The State of Our Climate
March 2016 research: Human carbon release
rate is unprecedented in the past 66 million years
of Earth's history- about 10 times faster
Total CO2 emission
by source (GCP 2021)
3 Aug. 2020 RCP 8.5 tracks emissions
of worst-case cumulative CO2 emissions
scenario- continues to apply
Methane and nitrous oxide emissions also
Global Carbon Budget (2022)
IPCC AR6 Global GHG emissions (2019)
Global methane emissions
Tracking worst-case scenario
(Global Carbon Project 2020)
Now wetland Feedback emissions
Global nitrous oxide emissions
Tracking worst-case scenario
Soil feedback emissions
(Global Carbon Project 2020)
Black carbon (soot) aerosol emissions
CO2 equivalent emissions (all GHGs)
Global greenhouse gas emissions are all all record high, increasing as fast as ever
CO2 lasts long in the atmosphere - 100s of years.
So CO2 emissions are highy persistent and cumulative in the atmosphere.
In like manner so is nitrous oxide
Accelerating increase of cumulative fossil fuel CO2 emissions
Emissions are still being increased
when they had to be declining
Individual GHG emissions also at EDGAR
GHG sources