State of Our Climate
Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Concentrations
Scripps daily CO2
CO2 equivalent
​Atmospheric GHG concentrations all together are expressed as CO2 equivalent.
​It tells us we are 'committed' (locked in) to a higher warming​ than at present. ​
​Radiative (hear) forcing can be derived from CO2 eq.

Atmospheric CO2        May 2024 423.9 ppm
​ice core limit​s
CO2: 300 ppm
methane: 800 ppb
nitrous oxide: 300 ppb​​
May 2024
CO2: 423.9 ppm
methane: 1,925 ppb
nitrous oxide: 337.5 ppb
CO2: 278 ppm
methane: 722 ppb
nitrous oxide: 270 ppb​
CO2 equivalant  (all GHGs​)

May 2023 Atmospheric CO2 eq. : 523 ppm (CO2 eq.)
​​All three main atmospheric GHGs are record high, increasing at record rates (2024)
Past 800,000 yrs
110,000 yrs​
Past 2,000 yrs
From 1800​
(seasonally adjusted mean)
Atmospheric methane May 2024   1925 ppb.         166% increase
Nitrous oxide                May 2025   337.5 ppb             35% increase
52% increase
WMO annual GHG Bulletin

For Scripps CO2: Dailly and up to 800,000 years ago to today

The (accelerating) concentration of all atmospheric greenhouse gases combined (CO2 equivalent) constitute a full long term ​equilibrium warming of over 2.4°C
(radiative forcig​

There will be additional warming from the many large planetary feedback sources​ (like wetlands and permafrost)- not included in IPCC projections.

​There will be additional warming due to reduced efficiency of the land (forest) and ocean carbon sinks that have had the effect of buffering the warming by about 50%. 

Another source of extra warming results from fossil fuel emission air pollution aerosol cooling, a hidden source of warming unmasked with air pollution measures and  termination of fossil fuel energy. Recent air quality measures have reduced ​the aerosols.

Atmospheric Greenhouse concentrations 
5 May 2024, NOAA​
2024 Atmospheric CO2 is increasing at a record rate.
​“Not only is CO2 now at the highest level in millions of years, it is also rising faster than ever,” 
​6 June 2024, NOAA, During a year of extremes, carbon dioxide levels surge faster than ever